Patient Voice Aotearoa and Medicines New Zealand seek your participation in the Valuing Life - Medicines Access Summit which will be held at The Grand Hall in the Parliament Buildings. The Summit will be hosted by The Honourable David Seymour, Associate Minister of Health.
Join us for high-level discussions among a diverse range of stakeholders' participants, including local and international clinical and health technology assessment experts, speakers, patient advocates, industry, government, and MPs, providing a platform for crucial conversations on advancing medicines access in New Zealand. Below is all the information you need about the Valuing Life – Medicines Access Summit.
This summit will be a ‘how to’ event where stakeholders and international and local experts share practical advice, strategies and guidance on how to accomplish specific improvements to processes and outcomes regarding medicines access. It will be the first multi-stakeholder event ever run of its type here in New Zealand on this topic.

Hon David Seymour
Associate Minister of Health

Dr Malcolm Mulholland
Chair, Patient Voice Aotearoa

Todd Krieble
Chair, Medicines New Zealand

Dr Rodger Tiedemann
Associate Professor of Medicine | University of Auckland, Consultant Haematologist | Cancer and Blood Service, Auckland Hospital

Dr Dragan Damianovich
MD (Zagreb) FRACP
Medical Oncologist
Bowel Cancer NZ Medical Advisor

Dr John Baker
Diabetes Specialist, Endocrinologist

Dr Gina O'Grady
Paediatric Neurologist - Starship

Richard Vines
Chair, Rare Cancers Australia

Dr Richard Stein
Gastroenterologist, MD, FRACP, FACG, FAGA,
Chairman, Crohn’s and Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust

Dr Tim Kanters
iMTA Erasmus University, Netherlands

Stella O'Brien
NICE Tech Appraisal Committee,
Patient Representative UK

Jo Watson
Deputy Chair of the PBAC
Chair of the Health Technology Assessment Consumer Consultative Committee, Deputy Chair of the Consumers Health Forum

Prof David Thomas
Director Australian Genomic Cancer Medicine Centre,
Garvan Institute of Medical Research

Prof John Zalcberg
All Can Australia Board Director, Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, Monash University and Department of Medical Oncology, Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia

Sue Chetwin, LLB CNZM
Chair of the Pharmac Review
Consumer Advocate

Dr Christian Schwabe
MD, MPharm Med
Chief Executive Officer, Senior Research Physician New Zealand Clinical Research
The programme is accurate at the time of publishing. If any changes are made, we will update the website to reflect those changes.
Monday 29 April 2024 - Day one
Hosted by The Honourable David Seymour, Associate Minister of Health
8:45 AM
Grand Hall
9:00 AM
Grand Hall
Assemble in the Grand Hall at New Zealand Parliament Buildings with media.
Opening addresses from The Honourable David Seymour, Associate Minister of Health
9:30 AM
Grand Hall
Patient Medicines Access Journey
Facilitated by Dr Malcolm Mulholland
Panel includes:
Emma Purchase
Fiona Tolich
10:00 AM
Grand Hall
New Zealand Doctors Journeys - panel session
Facilitated by Dr Malcolm Mulholland
Panel includes:
Dr Rodger Tiedemann - Consultant Haematologist | Cancer and Blood Service
Dr Richard Stein - Gastroenterologist
Dr Dragan Damianovich - Medical Oncologist
Dr John Baker - Diabetes Specialist, Endocrinologist
Dr Gina O'Grady - Paediatric Neurologist - Starship
10:30 AM
Grand Hall
11:00 AM
Grand Hall
11:30 AM
Grand Hall
12:15 PM
Grand Hall
1:00 PM
Grand Hall
2:00 PM
Select Committee Rooms
Morning Tea including Media Q&A
How to take a societal perspective on Health Treatment Evaluations - the Dutch perspective
Facilitated by Todd Krieble
Dr Tim Kanters (iMTA Erasmus University, Netherlands)
How to improve patient engagement in decision-making processes:
Facilitated by: Dr Malcolm Mulholland
Panel includes:
Stella O’Brien - NICE Tech Appraisal Committee, Patient Representative UK
Jo Watson - Deputy Chair of the PBAC
Sue Chetwin - Chair of the Pharmac Review, Consumer Advocate
Fiona Tolich - SMA Patient Advocate
Dr Robyn Manuel - Pharmac Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) Chair
Dr Jane Thomas - Pharmac PTAC Chair
Lunch including Media Q&A with speakers
How to improve multi-stakeholder collaborations and why it matters (medicines access, clinical trials, research initiatives)
Facilitated by: Todd Krieble
Richard Vines (Rare Cancers Australia, Chair)
Prof John Zalcberg (All.Can Australia Board Director, Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, Monash University & Dept of Medical Oncology, Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia)
Prof David Thomas (Garvan Research Institute)
Stuart Knight (Ex Roche GM NZ, Australia, Portugal, Hungary)
Dr Christian Schwabe (CEO NZ Clinical Research)
Dr Ben Lawrence (Senior Lecturer Department of Oncology, University of Auckland)
Dr Rob Weinkove (Malaghan Institute of Medical Research)
Concurrent workshop sessions
Please select your preferred workshop in your registration and a second option if your first choice is full.
Please note: Members of the media are not permitted to attend the Summit workshops.
Enhancing HTA Processes in New Zealand
This workshop will focus on discussion of potential enhancements to the existing health technology assessment (HTA ) processes in New Zealand using a holistic approach to costs and benefits. The session will include discussion on learnings that can be adopted from overseas to suit the New Zealand system.
Chair - Sarah Hogan
(NZIER Principal Economist)
Building a fit-for-purpose Medicines Strategy for NZ
This workshop will focus on establishing core themes and elements for a modernised medicines strategy that will both allow greater certainty for all health sector stakeholders and help future-proof the health system.
Chair - Dr Lee Mathias, ONZM
(Independent Director, former Chair at HPA, Medicines New Zealand and Counties Manukau DHB)
Better stakeholder engagement in decision-making processes
This workshop will investigate the key enablers necessary to allow all stakeholders, but particularly the patient/consumer voice, the ability to have inputs into decision-making processes undertaken on medicines procurement.
Chair - Sue Chetwin,
(Consumer Advocate)
Health Innovation Optimisation in New Zealand (precision health, clinical research, horizon scanning)
This workshop will determine what the critical success factors are to optimise implementation of three key health research and innovation platforms in New Zealand: a "1 stop shop " for human pharmaceutical clinical trials; a unified health technology horizon scanning system, and; a precision medicines platform.
Chair - Dr Christian Schwabe, MD, MPharm Med
(CEO, Senior Research Physician NZ Clinical Research)
3:15 PM
Grand Hall
Afternoon tea
4:00 PM
Grand Hall
Assemble as a collective with a short summary and where to from here from each workshop (15 minutes each)
Facilitated by: Todd Krieble
5:00 PM
Grand Hall
Closing remarks
Dr Malcolm Mulholland, Chair Patient Voice Aotearoa
Todd Krieble, Chair Medicines New Zealand
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Grand Hall
Networking drinks
7:30 PM
Grand Hall
Event concludes
Tuesday 30 April 2024 - Day two
7:30 AM
Grand Hall
Parliamentary Breakfast with MPs
Hosted by Todd Stephenson, ACT New Zealand
Including panel with some of yesterday's speakers and NZ patients
9:00 AM
Grand Hall
10:30 AM
Grand Hall
11:00 AM
Grand Hall
12:30 PM
Grand Hall
Optimising the patient voice in New Zealand
Morning tea
The Patient Voice in New Zealand - next steps
Facilitated by Dr Malcolm Mulholland
Event concludes
"Attendee Disclaimer
By attending this Summit, you are acknowledging the following matters and rules applying to the conduct of the Summit, and agreeing to acting in accordance with them:
The attendees of the Event acknowledge that they understand the views and opinions expressed during the Event are those of each individual speaker/panellist and do not necessarily reflect the views or position of Medicines New Zealand or Patient Voice Aotearoa. The Summit has been organised to provide an opportunity for high-level discussion among a diverse range of local and international stakeholders in the health and medicine sector. Accordingly, the organisers have provided a platform for the speakers/panellists to express their own personal views and opinions.
During the Event the moderator will indicate when a session/panel event is subject to Chatham House Rule. Under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. The aim of Chatham House Rule is to bring people together, break down barriers, generate ideas and agree solutions. The attendees of the Summit agree and acknowledge that it is therefore of vital importance that what is said whilst Chatham House Rules apply, is not repeated or disclosed outside of the session."
PLEASE NOTE: This is an invitation only event and invitations are not transferable.
Spaces are limited, so we encourage you to register promptly to secure your spot and avoid any disappointment.
Before you click to RSVP or Register based on your individual invitation, please check you have the correct one or use the link provided in your invitation.
- Mon, 29 AprWellington
- Mon, 29 AprWellington
- Mon, 29 AprWellington
- Mon, 29 AprWellington
- Mon, 29 AprWellington